Contact Forward Nevada

Reliable, accurate mail forwarding and other services.

Business Mail Forwarding Services

Our mail forwarding service is an excellent way for a business to establish a prestigious Las Vegas street address. Under our basic service, we receive your mail here and forward it to you once a week. If necessary, we can customize your service*, forward to different locations and send mail on an expedited basis. Just let us know! 

  • Prestigious Business Street Address
  • Receive Packages – All Carriers
  • Can be customized to your needs
  • FREE Call In Service To Check Your Mail
Minimum Monthly Term Monthly Rent Total Rent Postage Deposit Total Setup
6 Months
12 Months (10% Discount)

Postage deposit is charged each time we forward your mail. When your deposit becomes low, we will notify you.

Registered Agent Service

When forming a business, the State of Nevada normally requires you to designate a Registered Agent for your company.  The State of Nevada requires all corporations, LLC’s, and Limited Partnerships to have a Registered Agent (sometimes referred to as a “Resident Agent”) with a physical Nevada address.

The Registered Agent allows the state to have an official contact with the company so they can communicate important annual filings and changes in entity requirements. The Registered Agent also provides the essential responsibility of receiving service of process (such as a summons or subpoena) on behalf of the company. Establishing a Registered Agent is a critical step to ensure that the company is legitimate and qualified to do business within the state. 

Forward Nevada Registered Agent service meets all of these requirements. As a part of the service, we will receive and forward your corporation’s annual list of officers and directors and other correspondence from the State. And, the service is easy to establish!

Registered Agent Service is only $150.00 for 12 months.

Combined Annual Package

Sign up for both Mail Forwarding and Registered Agent Service for 12 months for only $470.00.